experimental theatre
Phaedra's Phuneral

Equally Represented Arts and Poor Monsters regret to inform you of the death of Phaedra. We request the honor of your presence at a phuneral service celebrating her life on August 14, 2016. Please bring your thoughts, prayers, and phondest memories of the deceased. Reception to follow. (We expect the attendance of many iconic and tragic women at this event. Please plan accordingly.)
Phaedra's Phuneral​ features original eulogies!​ We have called on tragic, female characters everywhere and from any time to help us mourn the loss of this epic Queen of Athens, daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë, by eulogizing her. We collected your eulogies to provide content to perform at Phaedra’s Phuneral so we might grieve again for our loss.*​
*Phaedra has the misfortune of dying a lot: once in most iterations of the Hippolytus myth, as well as in every production of any of those iterations. Specific data is unavailable.
The Phaedra Phestival exists as an experimental and collaborative theatrical investigation and fundraiser for the 2016-2017 production seasons of ERA, Poor Monsters, SATE, and YoungLiars.
Performing Artists
Will Bonfiglio..........................Priest/Blanche DuBois
Ryan Lawson-Maeske...........Aphrodite
Cara Barresi..........................Ariadne
Kristen Strom.........................Hippolyta
Frankie Ferrari.......................Clytemnestra
Carl Overly, Jr........................Christine Mannon:
Alicen Moser..........................Phaedra/Polly & Ghost of Phaedra
Anthony Kramer.....................Hippolytus/Edward
Rachel Hanks........................Desdemona
Maggie Conroy......................Helen Keller
Kristin Rion............................Lolita
Rachel Tibbetts.....................Juliet
Julia Crump...........................Sharon Tate
Parvuna Sulaiman.................Cleopatra
Kristin Cassidy.......................Mary Todd Lincoln
Tori Thomas...........................Abigail Williams
Jimmy Bernatowicz................Ruth Putnam
Katie Schoenfeld....................Mary Warren
Marilyn Arnold........................Betty Parris
Hannah Grimm.......................Susana Walcott
Halli Pattison..........................Mercy Lewis
Reggie Pierre.........................Cassandra:
Natasha Toro..........................Bernarda Alba
Cassidy Flynn.........................Oenone/Nurse
Pete Winfrey...........................Angry Bird (Jing Wei)
Jennifer Theby Quinn.............Virginia Woolf
Shannon Geier.......................The Song of Phaedra (Megara)
Ellie Schwetye........................Ballade of Ladies Who Died for Love
Randy Brachman...................Dagny Taggart/Man
Joe Kercher............................Hannah Höch
Gabe Taylor............................Io
Mitch Eagles...........................Laura Wingfield
Jeanitta Perkins......................Sojourner Truth
Production Team
Will Bonfiglio: Producer
Lucy Cashion: Director, Producer, & Design
Joe Taylor: Composer & Musician
Production History
2016 August 14: Columbarium at Bellefontaine Cemetery
Press & Recognition
Willis Ryder Arnold, "Arts and Education Council launches new crowd-funding platform" in St. Louis Public Radio NPR
startup-StL Crowdfunding feature on Arts & Education Council