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Never Let Go: A One Woman Titanic

Join Us for the Maiden Voyage of Your Life

Twenty-four years ago, Rose 'Dawson' miraculously survived the sinking of the Titanic. But her lover, Jack Dawson, did not, and she is not over it. Despite her grief, she's pursuing her dream of becoming an Academy Award nominated actress. In this production, Rose pitches the idea of turning her story into a motion picture to an audience of potential producers and investors. As one critic might say, 'Rose's seamless shifts from past to present, often without warning, and relentless indifference to the distinctions between reality and fantasy demonstrate her artistic genius.' Join us for the maiden voyage of your life and never let go! 


$25. $10 for patrons 26 years old & under with ID.

Walk up sales available:

at the Fox Theatre Box Office (10am-6pm, Monday-Friday & 10am-2pm, Saturday) 

at the Kranzberg Arts Center (1 hour prior to each performance)

or call 314-534-1111 (9am-9pm, 7 days a week)


Kranzberg Arts Center 

Black Box Theatre

501 N. Grand Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63103​


December 7-9 & 13-16, 2023

Paul Cereghino opens show with stand-up set December 8-9, 13, & 15-16


7-8 p.m.


Performing Artists

Rachel Tibbetts..........ROSE DAWSON

Will Bonfiglio.............STAGE MANAGER

Paul Cereghino...........PAUL CEREGHINO

Production Team

Lucy Cashion: Director, Producer, Playwright, Scenic & Sound Designer

Will Bonfiglio: Producer, Playwright

Miranda Jagels Félix: Stage Manager, Dramaturg

Jimmy Bernatowicz: Production Manager, Technical Director

Denisse Chavez: Lighting Designer

Morgan Fisher: Costume Designer & Props Master

Spencer Lawton: House Manager, Patron Services, Marketing

Kristen Strom: Assistant Stage Manager

Joe Taylor: Audio Engineer

Ryan Wiechmann: Graphic Designer

Bess Moynihan: Props Construction

Jason Hackett: Production photography

Brian McLelland: Videographer

With public support from the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.


photos by Jason Hackett

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Equally Represented Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. 

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